is a fine example of creativity, inclusivity, and artful entrepreneurship. As the title suggests it is about three women who lose their jobs. They decide to produce a strictly “adult” film and the film story focuses on the “casting” process. It is highly entertaining and funny, and stole the hearts of many juries at numerous festivals all over the world including : “Best Narrative” London Short film Festival 2021, “Exceptional Merit” Depth of Field International Film Festival 2021, “Best Music Score” Amsterdam World International Film Festival 2021,”Best Short Film “ German United Film Festival 2021B, “Best Women's Film” L 'Age d Or International Arthouse Film Festival 2021 and “Best Comedy Short Film ” Tagore International Film Festival 2021.
The film has subtitles in Italian, English and French and is beautifully accompanied with music by Italian Alfonso Di Rosa.
Corrado Calda, currently living in Piacenza near Milan is the inspiration behind this very original short film. He studied The Arts and The Science of Performance at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna and has worked as a professional actor (La Notte di Pasquino 2003, Sweet Sweet Marja 2007, La Finestra di Alice 2013) and director for over two decades. RebCat interviewed the director, Corrado Calda to learn about how this project unfolded from birth to production.
“It all started at the Piacenza Scuola di Cinema school of cinema co-founded with my friend photographer and director of photography, Paolo Guglielmetti. The school covers all aspects of cinema with courses in acting, screenwriting, photography and directing.
I got the idea for my script (always the backbone of a film) from a newspaper article I had seen mentioning an unusual casting session, which thousands of people had attended.
I have always loved all genre of black and white silent movies. Indeed, I studied this era of cinema in much depth at university. I still consider it fundamental for anyone who wants to do cinema. I strongly believe that first and foremost a film is narration of images.”
Casting, Funding and Production
“Paolo and I chose most of the cast from the students attending our film course at the Piacenza Scuola di Cinema. Given it was a silent film inspired by the great cinema of the 20’s,we were mainly looking for particularly expressive faces.
It wasn’t really costly to produce because most of the actors were not professional actors albeit perfect for their parts (the neorealist Italian cinema won an Oscar when it also included nonprofessional actors) and it took about three days to produce.
The atmosphere during off set and onset was fabulous. Everyone worked professionally with great discipline, and it was also a lot of fun. The fact that this film has received so much success on an international level has made us all truly happy and has given us such a great feeling of stisfaction. Thanks to all!”
Trailer https://youtu.be/G7TpnKx0km8